Installation Guide

Magento 2 is a powerful, self-hosted platform that empowers businesses globally to create and manage their e-commerce stores. It offers flexibility for businesses to customise their online stores according to their specific requirements.

Atoa Payments integrates seamlessly with Magento, allowing businesses to process payments securely and efficiently, enhancing the overall customer experience.

To ensure smooth integration, we advise testing the Atoa Payments plugin in a Magento test environment before deploying it on a live production site.

Atoa plugin is compatible with Adobe Commerce Cloud v2.4 and Magento v2.4.

1. Prerequisites

First, create an Atoa account and generate the Access secret. Check the Getting Started guide for more information.

2. Install the Atoa Payments Magento Plugin

Option 1 - Download the Plugin using Composer

1. Add the GitHub Repository to Composer

First, add the GitHub repository to your Magento project’s composer.json file. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of your Magento to project, then run the following command:

composer config repositories.atoa vcs

2. Require the Module Using Composer:

Now, require the module in your project. Run the following command:

composer require atoa/module-atoa-payment:dev-main

Ensure that you replace atoa/module-atoa-payment with the correct vendor and package name if it is different. dev-main refers to the main branch of the repository.

Option 2 - Manually Download the Plugin:

Download the plugin from the Magento Marketplace here.

Unzip the file, move the extracted folder to your Magento root directory, and follow the instructions below.

3. Enable the Module in Magento:

Once the module is installed, enable it using Magento’s CLI commands:

php bin/magento module:enable Atoa_AtoaPayment
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:clean

Via Zip/Archive

  • Download file, unzip file.
  • Copy folder app into root folder.
  • Run the above commands.

3. Configure the Atoa Payments Plugin

  • Sign in to your Magento Admin Panel
  • Choose Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Payment Methods -> Atoa Payment
  • Copy and paste your Access token from your Atoa Payments Portal into the API key field
  • Choose the type and colour of payments banner for your storefront
  • Save your changes

🚧 Sandbox Account

Contact us at if you need a Sandbox account.

4. Activate the Atoa Payments Plugin

Enable the Atoa Payments module by selecting Enabled -> Yes. Atoa Payments will appear as an option on your checkout. Set the Sort Order -> 1 so Atoa Payments features on top.

Frequently Asked Questions